Prohelika Movie Review: Prohelika' is a successful Film


Prohelika Movie Review: Prohelika' is a successful Film

First of all, this is not digestible for all viewers. 'Prohelika' is a movie that will leave you speechless after watching it. Will make you think; Rash will last a long time.

The name 'Prohelika' is apt. A story wrapped in mystery. One question after another will arise in your mind, and you have to wait for the answer. An uneasiness will work throughout the movie. A suffocating situation will arise. You will be speechless after seeing the end.

First of all, 'Prohelika' is one of the biggest finds in the Bangladeshi film industry. Manager Chayanika Chowdhury has to be praised in this case. When there is no female director in our country's film arena, Chayanika Chowdhury made her attention by showing her skillful work.

'Prohelika' is a complete story-based movie. And you will not often see such stories in Bengali cinema. Thanks to Pantha Shahriar for writing this unique story.

Prohelika Movie Review: Prohelika' is a successful Film
Prohelika Film Poster

Along with the story, what I always look at is the screenplay or screenplay/script. Apart from the story, the excellent screenplay is penned by Pantha Shahriar himself. Flashbacks are sometimes shown while weaving the story in slow motion. This backstory will answer many of your questions. What surprised me the most about the screenplay was its progressive style. The first half is one, the last half is another. I mean, something happened in the middle; Omni changed the pace of the movie and took more. The whole environment has changed. Love this execution. Also, there is some great dialogue in the movie.

Acting is one of the tools of success in this movie. Honestly, Shabnom Bubly is impressed with acting skills. The performance he showed from the beginning to the end forced me to talk about him first. The role she plays as Orpa is an incredibly beautiful woman character that has come across well on screen. In this case, however, the makeup artist also has success.

Prohelika Movie Review: Prohelika' is a successful Film
Shabnom Bubly

Mahfuz Ahmed's comeback after a long time and this is the first reason to drag him to the theatres. Starting from 'Srabon Megher Din' or 'Dui Duari', he won hearts with various TV movies. Good to have him back after so many years. Can still act fluently.

Prohelika Movie Review: Prohelika' is a successful Film
Mahfuz Ahmed

Nasir Uddin Khan is one of the most talked about personalities of the present time. There is no room to speak separately about him. But it seems to me that speaking in a sophisticated pure language does not suit him very well.

Prohelika Movie Review: Prohelika' is a successful Film
Nasir Uddin Khan

Rashed Mamun Apu gave a great performance as the DB cop. The timing of his coming is epic. He made the audience laugh by shaking the atmosphere a bit. In this aspect, coincidental similarities can be found with Shahiduzzaman Selim's police character in 'Surongo'.

'Prohelika' is technically very strong. The cinematography and color grading are eye-catching. As well as its music; Impossibly beautiful. For this, I would recommend watching the movie at the theater.

Finally, I will say 'Prohelika' is a successful film. It is as difficult as it is admirable to succeed in every discipline by showing diversity. So I congratulate and thank the entire production/panel. And yes, if you are interested in something different then definitely watch the movie.

Prohelika Movie Review: Prohelika' is a successful Film

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