Khachar Bhitor Ochin Pakhi chorki Web Series Review


Khachar Bhitor Ochin Pakhi chorki Web Series Review

It would not be wrong to say that Raihan Rafi is the filmmaker for whose work everyone is eagerly waiting. He did his best to implement it from a basic point of view. And his constant effort - to give a glimpse at the end of the story - when it feels right, really takes the story to another level. .'Khachar Bhitor Ochin Pakhi' has beautifully portrayed this tradition of Raihan Rafi.

For the past several years we have been seeing a news story in the press - a businessman or a political leader has gone missing. By no means can he be found. The main story of this film is about this disappearance. In the beginning, you will see a woman named Pakhi appearing in a factory for a job interview. For some reason, he goes thereafter being trapped. The whole factory is closed, there are no people. While pakhi is desperately looking for a way out, he discovers a man named Feroz Khan, who has been chained. This is the main story of the prisoner's life, why he was kept here, etc.

A whole new kind of story. Great camera work, mature acting, excellent lighting, matching background music, perfect editing - all in all, perfect entertainment. However, the picture is serious. In the middle, it may seem oops, I can't take so much trouble anymore. Then continue to watch patiently. Patience will bear fruit.

Turn around and come back to the art of sound. Munshigiri also had a problem with the soundtrack (good picture, of course). There is something here too. I can hear the character's breathing, but the sound of his walking is not sudden. Surely the sound of sandals is louder than the sound of breathing. Overall, the soundtrack has worked well, but the sudden disappearance of the sound has hampered my ability to get lost in the world of cinema. The music and the soundtrack - these two things are just as important as everything else until we understand that we are lagging.

Another thing that could have been a little better is the end of the story. You will see that there was a normal last moment in the story. The surprise would have been 100% awesome if it had ended up there or somewhere near it. But the creator of that moment has lengthened the story by explaining it beautifully. That's why the last part of the film was not as smart as it could have been. I think the creator has made a little wrong plan or misrepresentation in this place. But it is a completely subjective matter.

 Inspired by what is happening around us, Raihan Rafi tries to tell a new story. This time he did so. And very nicely done. I enjoyed Khachar Bhitor Ochin Pakhi. Take a look and let us know what you think. The Chorki app is running on a global scale.

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