

Hundreds of Afghans, including women and children, are huddled inside a US Air Force C-17 aircraft. Pictures from last Sunday

The whole of Afghanistan, including the capital Kabul, is now under the control of the Taliban. It is time to form a government and take over the governance of the country. But fear of the Taliban regime has forced civilians to flee Afghanistan. Panicked people want to go out of Afghan territory at any cost.

And such a tragic picture of Afghans leaving the country has gone viral on various social media platforms. This has caused a stir.

A US Air Force C-17 model plane left Kabul on Sunday, the BBC reported in a report on Tuesday (August 17). A photo released Monday shows hundreds of Afghans, including women, children, and men, huddled inside the plane.

According to the Defense One website, there were about 640 people on board the C-17 model of the US Air Force. Which is much more than the capacity of the aircraft. Defense One received the picture from the US military.

According to the BBC, hundreds of Afghans on board the plane had permission to leave the country. They were able to get inside with the half-open door of the aircraft. However, the crew decided to take off instead of forcibly disembarking the overcrowded people.

The chaotic situation prevailed at Kabul airport on Monday after Sunday. As thousands of people gathered at the airport to flee the country, U.S. forces in charge of security opened fire. Two Afghans were killed. The U.S. military says a car bomb had exploded at the Iraqi police recruiting center at Kisak, west of Mosul.
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