Race lost in the spread of rape: what is the solution? -Mizanur Rahman Azhari

Race lost in the spread of rape: what is the solution? -Mizanur Rahman Azhari

Rape is occurring almost a day somewhere in Bangladesh. Women are being stripped naked. Capturing this scene is being spread online. This barbarism is beyond endurance. What a sick generation has developed during this country! In our families, rapists were formed, and nobody noticed. The body is getting shivering at the thought. Ordinary people can't say, can't sign. When it involves human chain instead of justice, there are obstacles of enforcement . during this way, things may become more dire when the people, uninterested in seeking justice, take the responsibility of judging into their own hands. Therefore, unprecedented punishment for rape should be ensured tie this is often the demand of the masses today.

Rape may be a sexual crime or sexual violence. Rape isn't sex in the least , it's an abuse of male power. and therefore the rapists grew up within the shadow of power. Usually, people want to undertake what they learn by watching. Enjoying the rape scene with the entire family within the movie wasn't alleged to be anything better within the society. that's what's happening. Taste power within the political umbrella at a young age - who doesn't want to exercise that power? When the law and justice system of the country became criminal friendly, they dared to rape thanks to uncontrolled and excessive force. they're always behind the scenes due to the facility and by trampling on the loopholes of the law.

In the climate and environment of Bangladesh, a boy or a woman acquires full sexual ability at the age of 14/15 years on the average . But they're within the throes of marriage after 10/15 years. they need no legitimate opportunity to suppress sexual appetite for this long period of your time . additionally , when the question of marriage arises, it comes as a results of social rules and regulations.

Sexual energy is a useful resource given by Allah. If this sensitive energy isn't used properly, it'll be misused, which is normal. If there's a chance for moral decay and aggression, then there's no thanks to stop rape.

Adult boys during this country are often sexually overcharged. Advertisements and billboards are always adorned with short-sleeved women where all the attractive folds of her body are being presented, belly dance of cheerleaders within the middle of playing cricket, sexual content available on mobile phones, web series, pornography, pornographic movies and lots of more. These are creating sexual insanity among the youth.

Those who present women's bodies as cheap objects of consumption as sex objects are basically rapists. children are fully charged once they see this person . But does he have an area to release this energy during a halal way ?? No, no! The result's masturbation, free love , and heroic rape if there's power. Media, mass media, Facebook newsfeed as if there's just one news - rape! Rape! And rape!

If every national daily had a separate page for murder and rape, that page would never be empty. Such incidents are happening almost a day in every district. So, to urge obviate this epidemic: make marriage easier, stop all sorts of pornography, stop the utilization of violent force and provides children all the morality and humanity. 

Day and night, hear the stories of the youth, teach the facility game of dirty politics. And if you rape her, you'll start crying. What a double standard! Drama, movies, advertisements, books and therefore the internet are going to be filled with nudity and sex everywhere, marriage are going to be difficult, political exercise of power will continue and rape will stop as long as some rapists are caught and hanged - this concept seems to me to be a childish idea.

Making people human isn't a simple task. I often say that as soon because it comes out of the stomach of a cow, it becomes a cow, when it comes out of the stomach of a goat, it becomes a goat, but when it comes out of the stomach of a person's , it doesn't become human, but it's to become human. If citizenry can't be made human, animalistic behavior develops in them. Then there's no more humanity in him. Sometimes he even surpasses the beast. And medical care , moral education and therefore the practice of human values gradually turned him into an enlightened great man. Therefore, moral education and therefore the practice of humanity are needed to form people human. it's vital to practice moral education and humanity within the family, within the society, within the institution , within the state.

If we actually want to prevent rape from society - then we'd like to vary the general system and establish a society that's anti-crime and humane. Our education system must even be God-fearing education system. Not only that, first the upper class and therefore the guardians need to turn themselves into God-fearing people. Only then is it possible to vary the general system.

To explain the severity of the rape, many write: Medieval barbarism has been defeated. But when it involves explaining how medieval barbarism or the barbarism of ignorance was solved in Iyam, then they keep their ears locked. In fact, Allah, the Creator of the humanity , knows alright what the punishment for adultery and rape should be so as to stay the social balance intact. Therefore, Islam provides exemplary punishment for adultery and rape. With a humane society, improved moral values and exemplary punishment for criminals, the Prophet (peace be upon him) transformed the medieval barbarism or the barbarism of ignorance into a benevolent human society and ushered during a golden age. That social organization remains to be followed and imitated by the entire world.

Mutual consent is another category within the rape issue. there's no problem with consent. But actually , as soon because the relationship deteriorated, allegations of rape were leveled against the person . Men are not any less victims of harassment. When there's a physical relationship, it's expressed in words of affection and affection, but within the evolution of your time it takes the name of rape. And eventually there are cases of violence against women. After the incident of rape was discussed everywhere the country, many ladies also are blackmailing many men by accusing them of rape. that's why Islam forbids all relationships outside of marriage.

In a video clip yesterday, I saw some young women chanting anti-rape slogans ahead of Vikarunnisa Noon School and College. The slogan was - "This responsibility - only you - you're a rapist". Dear sisters, there are many factors that are liable for rape. Just pointing a finger at one side isn't fair. Even after the event of ethical education, prevention of abuse of power and establishment of rule of law, there'll be some people within the society who are susceptible to crime, immorality, lust and perverted tastes. you've got to require safety measures to survive from those evils. So, please cover yourself with modest clothes all the time outside the house. Remember that hijab may be a symbol of women's nobility, beauty, shyness and taste. Islam didn't provide hijab to harm women but as a protection.

The lack of morality, the spread of obscenity, the absence of an independent judiciary and therefore the subculture of power grabs have left the country with no chance of stopping the epidemic rape. it'll continue. we'll know if some events are viral and therefore the rest are going to be suppressed.

So, it's impossible to affect this crisis unless we all take it seriously from now on. Efforts must be made up of all quarters. there's no alternative to putting together an ethical generation. Rape can't be prevented without the practice of humanity and therefore the practice of morality. A system of education that's conducive to the awakening of conscience and therefore the development of citizenry is extremely important. Family Tarbiyat and therefore the practice of Islam in every Muslim family must be ensured. Otherwise, one among our darling brothers may become the rapist or our darling sister may become subsequent victim. Then i will be able to be lost, i would like justice, i would like justice, what else am i able to do?

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