Huawei is sorting out the smartphone business in Bangladesh?

Huawei is sorting out the smartphone business in Bangladesh?

Huawei, the world's second largest smartphone brand, is going to close down its smartphone and device department in Bangladesh? Due to the lack of 'GMS' (Google Mobile Service) ecosystem in Huawei phones, the demand for Huawei smartphones, tablets and other devices is decreasing day by day in Bangladesh. In the last few days, Huawei has not been making progress in selling products in the country's market, as a result of which the company is not seeing any profit.

Following this, Chinese tech giant Huawei is planning to roll out its smartphone business division in Bangladesh. It is learned that Huawei has started manpower transfer and retrenchment in Bangladesh. Several employees who worked in Huawei's device business told bdnews24 that Wednesday was their last working day. The laid-off workers were directly involved in monitoring the smartphone and other device business at Huawei's head office in Bangladesh.

According to the report, Smart Technologies has been responsible for the distribution of Huawei's smartphones and other devices in Bangladesh since November last year. Besides, Huawei also started the process of retrenchment in Bangladesh from last November. Last Wednesday, 7 out of 8 employees of the device department were laid off simultaneously, while the remaining one was retained in charge of monitoring the device business. It is also known that Huawei's smartphone business in Bangladesh will be operated directly from Malaysia.

Huawei is doing business in Bangladesh based on two different divisions. One is Huawei Technology (Bangladesh), and the other is Huawei Devices. Huawei provides telecommunication network solutions in the country under the Huawei Technology Department, and sells smartphones, tablets and other devices in the country under the Huawei Devices Department.

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