Begumganj housewife stripped naked, video goes viral, 1 arrested

Begumganj housewife stripped naked, video goes viral, 1 arrested

In Begumganj, Noakhali, a group of talented young men tried to rape a housewife in her father's house in a medieval manner and then tortured her by stripping her naked. In the end, the victim beat the housewife and recorded a video of her. Police have arrested one person in the incident.

The detainee's name is Abdur Rahim (27). He is a resident of Haridhan Bari in East Eklashpur village of Eklashpur union.

The video of the housewife being tortured went viral on social media Facebook on Sunday (October 4th) at noon, 32 days after the incident. Then the local administration moved. Since the incident, the victim has been fleeing to various relatives' houses for fear of scoundrels.

According to locals, the incident took place last month (September 2) at the house of Nur Islam Miah in the Khalpar area of ​​Ward 9 of Eklashpur Union in the Upazila. Fearing, the family expressed reluctance to talk about it. So even though 32 days have passed since the incident, the victim's family could not lodge any complaint with the police.

Begumganj police officer in charge (OC) said. Haroon Ur Rashid said police were now at the scene. One person has been arrested for being involved in the incident. However, the housewife was not found in her house. Details will be known if the victim is found.

Noakhali Police Super Md. Alamgir Hossain said five units of the district police were working in the field to arrest the accused and rescue the victim's family.

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