4 people have been arrested in Noakhali on charges of torturing a woman naked. Case against 9 people, police request not to share video

4 people have been arrested in Noakhali on charges of torturing a woman naked. Case against 9 people, police request not to share video

RAB has arrested two more people from Dhaka and Narayanganj on suspicion of being involved in the incident of torturing a woman in Begumganj Upazila of Noakhali.

Meanwhile, a foreign firearm was recovered from the arrested youth from Narayanganj, RAB spokesperson Ashiq Billah said.

Earlier, police arrested two people from Begumganj Upazila on suspicion of being involved in the incident last night. .Police took them to court at noon and applied for a seven-day remand.

The RAB and the police intelligence department are working alongside the district police to arrest the rest. Their campaign is said to be continuing.

Begumganj Police Station OC Mohammad Harun-ur-Rashid Chowdhury told natunnewsmonitor.com that the victim was involved in the incident.

According to the police, a few months ago, some local youths of the Upazila tortured the housewife.

Discussions started yesterday when a video of the incident was spread on social media, and people reacted angrily and demanded justice for the incident.

Later, Superintendent of Police (SP) Mohammad Alamgir Hossain directed the OC of Begumganj Police Station to take immediate action.

After watching the video, the police identified the culprits and rescued the victim from his sister's house.

The woman is scheduled to undergo a medical examination at the District Sadar Hospital in Noakhali today.

Meanwhile, police said that a case has been filed against the nine victims under the Women and Child Abuse Prevention Act.

The woman also filed another case under the Pornography Control Act to prevent the video of the torture from being spread.

One-and-a-half-minute video footage of the incident has been circulating on social media since yesterday evening.

The general public has raised a storm of criticism through social media about the brutality of the incident and the fact that the matter has been kept under wraps for a month.

However, law enforcement members requested not to share the video. Police also said legal action would be taken if anyone was seen sharing the video or finding evidence of involvement in spreading the video.

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