Sohag 360: YouTube channel crosses milestone of 1 million subscribers

Sohag 360: YouTube channel crosses milestone of 1 million subscribers

The task of achieving any kind of success or reaching a stage is quite difficult. It doesn’t happen very quickly. Persistence for a long time, continuous work, perseverance even in difficult times are the factors behind every success. He or she who adheres to this subject at one time or another moves to the top of success. Success does not come easily, success is the result of long time and hard work.

So, September 28, 2020 was such a successful day. Today, the dream of the young man who was on June 5, 2014 to easily bring information technology to many people in Bengal has come true. Because, today he has been added to the love of 1 million. He has also made a banner for this where it says 'One Million Love'.

 The name is Sohag. Full name Md. Sohag Mia. He has all the information related to technology. On YouTube, the most popular video-watching site, everyone knows him as 'The Tech Doctor'. He is the founder of a channel called 'Sohag 360' and he is proud to have 1 million subscribers to the channel.

Sohag Mia is the founder of 'Sohag360'

Many may say, what is it at this time! It is easy to say but not easy to do. Entertainment-based videos or video channels are usually very popular on YouTube and can easily garner millions of subscribers. But no one technology or any other channel can do that very easily or in less time. This requires a long time and hard work.

The full name of Sohag's channel is 'Sohag 360 - The Tech Doctor'. Written in the About section of the channel, ‘A YouTube channel is a popular IT based channel in Bangladesh.’ The next line is very important and true. It is a great channel to get good IT tutorials, tips and tricks, gadget reviews in Bengali.

Sometimes Sohag started another great job. Many people fall into various technical problems. But I can't solve them because I don't understand. Sohag started 'Basic Vai' with those simple solutions. Easy solutions to various problems are easily available in that channel.

Asked by a fan named Saiful, he said: I have been working with IT personally since 2009. I am not a student of information technology, but I have a great interest in information technology. Now I am working as a digital marketing professional. I have been writing about information technology for a long time in the top dailies of the country. Still doing it in different places. Even after this, if you want to learn something easily, I keep an eye on Sohag's channel. For example: once I thought I needed to learn video editing. I want to learn a few software. I went to Sohag's channel without delay and learned by watching his video editing tutorial!

One million subscribers have been filled in Sohag 360 channel
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