The largest military base in South Asia is on the island of Noakhali

The largest military base in South Asia is on the island of Noakhali

Jahizar, Char in Noakhali was once known as a sanctuary for robbers and extremists. Today, that char is becoming the largest military training center of the Bangladesh Army. From 1992-96, ships plying from Dhaka to Chittagong used to ply in the Bay of Bengal through the Golden Char of Noakhali. At that time a huge ship got stuck in the estuary of Noakhali. Later, the ship that got stuck in the ship was named Jahijar Char. At one time people did not even take the name of that char in panic. The vast forest and deep forest of this char is home to various bandits and extremist groups. But they did not last long.

The Bangladesh Army freed the pirates in 2013. Later the present government gave this permission to the army. Later the army renamed it. Which is known as the Golden Island of today Meanwhile, the Bangladesh Army got this huge piece of land with an area of ​​370 square kilometers after getting permission to use it. The Bangladesh Army is tasked with making this land habitable for the people apart from the mainland. Under the supervision of the army, the forest was cleared and 60,000 Zhao trees and 1,500 Vietnam high-yielding coconut trees were planted. At the same time, the Bangladesh Army started the process of rescuing this vast wetland which was submerged under water for 8 months of the year. Two-thirds of the total wetlands have been gradually recovered. Its size is gradually increasing day by day. New infrastructure is being built there under the supervision of the army.

The army has already built a 31-bed hospital there. The army has set up a cattle farm there, embarrassing the size of the island. Which continues to make a significant contribution to meeting the Army's own needs. 13,000 buffaloes, 16,000 sheep and 8,000 cows are being reared in 20 farms set up there. The island also has special processing facilities for milk and meat from these cattle. Cultivation of various fruits has been started on the island. Various vegetables are being produced. In addition to these social initiatives, the army has large military plans around the island.

According to the military's military plan, the region is being developed as one of the largest and most advanced military training centers in South Asia. Special military accommodation has already been set up where 5,000 troops can stay together. There is also a large area for military exercises that has been built to carry heavy armored vehicles, tanks and armored carriers. Concrete dams are being used to protect the land in the area where it was under water for six months of the year, and the army is working to increase the height of the land. A telephone tower has been set up on this huge island under the 33rd Infantry Division to help maintain constant communication with the mainland. It has its own power generation system where solar based power generation system is generating 1 MW of electricity on the island. Oil based generators have been installed as well. Three large cyclone centers have been set up here to protect the locals from disasters like cyclones or tidal waves. Satellite-based internet facilities are also being used to provide improved internet services on the island. There are computer labs for army members.

The army has already adopted a budget plan around the island to develop it as a military training. There are plans to build helipads in different parts of the island, hangars for helicopters, tank training trucks, forest cover along the river banks, port areas for heavy vehicles, ships used for military transport and vessels. In addition, a workshop with maintenance facilities for army heavy vehicles will be set up here. Currently 8 The army has made arrangements to travel here by 3 boats and 6 landing craft.

As part of a long-term plan, plans have been added to build an airstrip to facilitate military aircraft landing on the island in the future. Along with the army, the government has also adopted some plans for the island. According to the government's plan, a part of this huge piece of land has already been selected for pre-verification with the aim of building a Singapore-style suburb. In addition, a base for naval ships will be built here. According to the military, 10,000 troops are trained on the island each year. Twice a year, various military exercises are currently being held here with the participation of army members from different divisions spread across the country. In addition to receiving tank and artillery training, the Air Force is participating in various joint exercises on a small scale. If the plan is fully implemented, the island will be one of the largest military training bases in South Asia, with more than 10,000 troops able to take part in the exercise simultaneously.

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